Meet Your Coach.

I'm Tor, your personal Nutrition Coach.

I’m Victoria (but you can call me Tor) and I am a certified L1 Nutrition Coach with Precision Nutrition - the world’s largest and most trusted nutrition education company.

I provide personal 1:1 nutrition coaching to help burnt-out, busy professionals overcome the diet rollercoaster, and lose weight the right way. Over the years I’ve developed a passion for nutrition and helping people feel and perform at their best.

I’m a big believer in the importance of balance when it comes to living a happy, well-rounded life, and doing the things that spark joy (a la Marie Kondo). For me, good food is one of those things, and I love to see that joy grow in others when they discover the mental and physical transformations that can come from nourishing themselves properly.
For me another joy is CrossFit, which I began in 2016, and where I also developed my nutrition coaching chops at my local CrossFit gym. My experience and learning in the health and fitness industry has helped me understand what really works when it comes to long-lasting behaviour change, and how to take effective action to achieve our goals.
nutrition coach tor

I can help you...

Follow a plan that fits your body, and your life.

We always start with your needs and goals. Then together we develop a plan to help you eat, move, and live better – in a way that works for your body, and your life.

Master your mindset & daily habits.

I’ll remove the guesswork and give you accountability, direction, and support every step of the way. I’ll help you stay consistent no matter what life throws at you.

nutrition coach tor

Achieve your goals – even when life gets crazy

Together we break your big goals into small daily practices that add up to massive changes. You’ll develop healthy habits that become second nature and last a lifetime.

Eat better without feeling deprived

No gimmicks, restrictive diets or quick-fix fads, just effective, simple strategies backed by real science and real results.

Sometimes all we need is a helping hand to guide and support us on our journey, and as a Nutrition Coach I help you navigate the way while you take the wheel. Using a proven habit-based system, I work with you to slowly re-engineer your eating and lifestyle habits from the ground up. No fad dieting methods or unrealistic demands, we begin where you’re currently at and build up your new healthy practices slowly brick by brick until you have an unshakeable foundation for building the life and body that you want.
I work with a small number of clients because I know how important the personal touch can be, and having someone there every step of the way to share in your successes and help you get unstuck when you need it.
My passion is in getting to know you, your individual circumstances and seeing the daily small successes compound into real transformation – both inside and out. It’s never too late to take back control of your life, and finally get results that last.

Ready to start? Get in touch today to book in your free intro call, and see if nutrition coaching is the right solution for you.